How are Bergsmansgårdar's wooden houses manufactured?

Bergsmansgårdar's wooden houses are manufactured with the greatest possible love and care. In order for you to be able to take part in the process we have chosen to describe the process in detail on the page Hantverk.

Are Bergsmansgårdar's products environmentally friendly?

For us, environemental and sustainability values are extremely important. These values are reflected in our entire business, from material selection to production. We use locally produced paints and Swedish wood. We are engaged in crafts, not mass production. For more information regarding this, you can visit our page Miljö och Kvalitet.

Where do I find contact information?

Since Bergsmansgårdar Träkultur is a small family business, you always talk to a family member. Contact information can be found här.

How can I track my order?

We will send out an order confirmation to your e-mail after the order has been placed. There you will find your order number, your delivery adress and your contact information

Once we have packed and sent your goods, you will recieve another e-mail with the shipment number which you can use to follow your package all the way to your door.

What are the measurements of the wooden houses?

Measurements:Length HeigthWidth
Small house4 cm4 cm2.2 cm
Middle house7 cm5,5 cm2,2 cm
The Merchant's house8 cm6,5 cm3,3 cm
The Town hall7,5 cm6,5 cm2,5 cm
The Three-storey house7 cm6,2 cm2,5 cm
The Vault5 cm4,5 cm2,5 cm
The Chruch9,5 cm10 cm2,5 cm

Each house has its own character and is therefore allowed to vary a bit from collection to collection. To make it easier to put their size in perspective, I recommend that you look at our Hantverk or Inspiration.

When choosing wrapping, can the gift be transferred directly to the recipient?

It is absolutely possible! If you want your gift to be sent directly to the recipient, you must enter the recipient's name and address at the checkout. Then the package is automatically delivered to the right person. Be sure to notify the recipient of the gift in advance. It sometimes happens that the recipient does not pick up enexpected packages at the post office for fear of being liable for a refund.