
The Workbench

Bergsmansgårdar's production takes place in Sweden with exclusively organic materials and traditional craft methods.
We care about the environment and this characterizes our entire business. Our wooden houses are made by hand from Swedish pine and painted with traditional linseed oil paint. Through genuine craftsmanship and ecological thinking, we create sustainable products that become more beautiful over the years.
Everything from the paper's paper quality to individual windows must meet our requirements to honor the original houses from Sweden's miner's farm.
Bergsmansgårdar Träkultur has a simple production facility; a boathouse. Under modest conditions, the craft can be genuine in all parts of the manufacturing process.

We have resurrected a tradition
Each individual house is sawn by hand to the right size, and then planed and sanded with a steady hand and eye size. A newly sawn house shows its individual character through unique patterns and shades in its annual rings. The house is sanded with a fine-grained sandpaper and given nice soft edges.

The painting is done step by step and begins with the house's facade

When the paint has dried for three days, we paint the ceiling and after another three days and three nights, it's time to give the house doors and windows.

We brush the paint on the facade with the help of custom templates and let the house dry one last time.

Lastly, the house's painting and shape are examined before it is placed on our shelf while waiting for its packaging. Each house has its own character and is allowed to vary a bit from collection to collection.

Houses that have deviating twigs and cracks are sifted away, only the ones that meet our requirements are painted. The houses that have been sifted can not be included in Bergsmansgårdar's collections, instead they become part of our test house family. These outfits are used as models for new creative color combinations that can one day become their own collection. No houses should be wasted!

Brand Iron

The last step in the houses' journey is using the brand iron to engrave our logo by hand underneath the house. The logo is what verifies the origin and authenticity of the house.

The scent that fills the air around the finished and newly engraved houses is truly lovely.